Organization Profile

Happy Home Organization is the legal entity registered as a Nongovernmental Organization under the Nongovernmental Act of NO. 24 of 2002 mandated to operate in the Tanzania mainland with registration no: ooNGO/R/0394 in 2019. Entity has the center named Happy Home Center. Before, it was established as a nursery school in 2005. Registered as Day Care and Orphanage Centre in 2008 with registration no: 3458. 

Thematic Areas

a) Education (Formal and informal)
b) Health and Nutrition
c) Food security and livelihoods
d) Shelter and clothes
e) Spiritual education 


Give hope and better life to orphans and poor Children from poor families (eg girls & poor families)


To be center of excellent that enables orphans and poor Children to achieve most optimal standards of living.

Performance activities

a) Provision of nutritious food to vulnerable children for healthily growing.
b) Shamba project: Partake cultivation of maize, peas, sunflower, onions and vegetables.
c) Conduct psychosocial support services to children at the orphanage center
d) Protect and advocate children on rights understanding and allegations processes
e) Protect and advocate girls from violence through empowering them on life skills including reproductive health education and academic development.
f) Follow ups out schools children upon aging, dropouts and truants for enrollment and regular attendances.
g) Support children accessing health insurances for medical treatments